Friday, January 31, 2014

Jan 27th to 30th - Mesa

Jan 27th – Mon
We were still in bed (7:40) listening to Ron & friends preparing to go golfing when Darlene tapped on our door and asked if Terry could golf as Ron Sr. was not able to go.  He said yes and had lots of time – 35 minutes – to get ready and have coffee.  So I had most of the day to putter around.
I sorted out the laundry and actually got around to doing it a couple of hours later.  In the meantime I caught up the blog – and forgot to post it!  I chatted with Larry B., Moe and Sue.  I picked up the mail and turned that errand into a little walk.  In other words, I had a nice relaxing day.
Terry got home around 3 so we made the bed with the clean bedding before going to the courtyard.  We moved to a firepit area when the music finished, then came home for dinner and a quiet evening.

Jan 28th – Tues
Terry took Mike P with him to the place where Mike’s motorcycle trailer was made to talk to them about the modifications we need on the ramp on our toy hauler.  They had to come back to take measurements, made a trip to Harbor Freight and ended up being gone the entire morning.  I did household chores, backed up computer files and returned clean towels to the toy hauler to give me a little walk.
North Star was in the courtyard today so we went early and had lunch there.  The place was jammed as usual.  Duane mentioned a motorcycle ride tomorrow so we had to make a quick trip to WalMart since we won’t have time in the morning.  We picked up chicken at the deli for dinner.   We put groceries away, tossed packaged coleslaw with dressing and gobbled down dinner so we could get to line dancing lessons by 6:30.
When we got back from dancing, a happy hour(s) was still going on at Moe & Trish’s so of course we had to join the group.  People had been there for a while and it was getting cold so we were home just after 9.

Jan 29th – Wed
We planned to go on a motorcycle ride at 11:30.  At 11:05, Mike & Susie called to ask if Terry could pick up a new patio set for them at Fry’s.  He unloaded ramps & golf clubs from the truck and made a quick trip to pick up & drop off the furniture.  We were only 1 minute late to join the other bikers at Chief’s site.  There were 10 bikes & 13 riders including Reese who is across from our storage spot and Russ & Joanne who have been here for nearly a month but we have not met them previously.
We went to San Tan Flats restaurant for lunch.  It is similar to Greasewood Flats with picnic tables and barrel fire pits for outside dining.  We split a yummy Patty Melt for lunch.  We took off our jackets for the ride back as it really warmed up.
We went to the courtyard to listen to the Brookharts and to line dance.  A few line dancers were there to get us & Terri started so we kept track of how many different line dances that we did and were pleased to see that we knew 10 dances.
We changed clothes and joined Dennis & Gloria at Moe & Trish’s for a drink before going to dinner.  Allan & Elva from across the street came over to chat.  Trish was the DD again in our truck to take the 6 of us to Carrabba’s for Italian food.  We were initially seated in a booth which was too snug so we moved to the bar to wait for a table. 
Terry & I chose 3 course specials and picked Shrimp Diablo as our appetizers which turned out to be a great choice.  There were enough for everyone to have a taste and they all agreed that the shrimp were delicious.  Just before we got our dinners, Vic & Jackie showed up for dinner after they saw a movie.  We were all surprised to see each other and luckily we were seated at a table for 8 so they joined us.
We returned to Moe & Trish’s for a nightcap and called it a night when Trish was fading.

Jan 30th – Thurs
We were up early to hook up the toy hauler and take it for tailgate modifications.  I pulled the trailer and Terry rode the motorcycle – in 47 degrees! – to Queen Creek which is SE of Mesa.  The first thing the supervisor did was to flip the hitch on the truck to raise the front of the toy hauler by a few inches since our problems with loading are caused by too great an angle where the tailgate is hinged.
Terry bought ramps at Harbor Freight after the consultation on Tuesday but after trying them out we & they decided the ramps were not needed and they dug out a short, full width extension that they had in storage.  They needed some time to get the work done so we came home to get the receipt for the ramps, I made some breakfast and we returned the ramps.  When we got back more than 2 hours later, a mechanic was just attaching the new extension so we went to Total Wine for some “necessities”.  When we returned, the work was done so we loaded the bike, waited for the bill to be finished and came back to the storage area.  The bike came out flawlessly and Reese helped Terry back into the very tight spot.  By now it was nearly 4.
Terry went to the courtyard to listen to music and relax with a Scotch while I stayed home to relax with a book.  I showered & changed before Terry returned at 5 to do the same.  I gave him a much needed haircut and we were ready to pick up Brad & Clare to go to the AZ Opry.
We saw a county show tonight and as usual the food & show were superb.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jan 23rd to 26th - Mesa

Jan 23rd – Thurs
Terry got going early to do some cleaning with the pressure washer – parking area, old patio mat, patio area and motorcycle.  We put out the new patio mat and did a couple of repairs before folding up the old mat to use in the toy hauler.  Moe & Joe dropped by to help & kibitz.
We went to the toy hauler to pick up some items that we left yesterday and then Terry went to run a couple of errands while I got a haircut.
We went to the courtyard to have a late lunch and stayed to listen to music and dance.  Terry joined a group by the pool at a fire pit but I came back and relaxed before making a light, late dinner.

Jan 24th – Fri
We had a nice lazy morning and then went to line up for the Managers’ Reception at 10:30.  The doors actually opened at 11 but the sun was warm and it was lovely just to stand and chat with others in line.
The theme for the managers’ receptions was “We Treasure You” so pirates were the basis for the great decorations.  Lunch was salad, beef stew in a bread bowl and brownies for dessert.  Volunteers and work campers served the meal and kept wine carafes and beer pitchers full.  A band provided music and the Camping World representatives donated door prizes. 
We finished at 1 and took a break before going back to the courtyard to listen to music from 3-5.  We discovered that there was also music from 7 to 9 so we had dinner there and were happy when the next singer (Rick Mancini) actually started early just after 6.  At 7 the last managers’ reception was done and a lot of people came from there to the courtyard so there was a great party until 9.

Jan 25th – Sat
We went to a motorcycle shop to look at helmets & “intercom” systems.  Terry had stopped in yesterday to check it out.  The guy he dealt with was the helmet specialist and wasn’t working today so we will go back when he is working. 
Terry went for a motorcycle ride with Ralph and Duane but I had promised Gloria & Trish that I would work with them on setting up a party.  We weren’t even done when Terry returned.  I needed some large index cards so Terry & I made a quick trip to Big Lots and I printed invitations.
We joined a group at Bob & Darlene’s to meet their friends Ron (aka Ron Sr.) and Irene.  Ron (aka Ron Jr.) & Terri also know Ron & Irene through a motor home association hence the Sr. and Jr.  I had put a roast in the crock pot but mistakenly set it at warm rather than high so I put it in the oven while we were visiting.  It still wasn’t done so I cut of a couple of thick slices and made a stir fry for dinner.
Then it was time to go to a dance with music by “3 Speed”.  Music & company were great and we danced the night away!

Jan 26th – Sun
We had 7 groups for golf this morning and 24 people for lunch at Red Robin.  It was cool again for the first few holes and then warmed up nicely.  We got back about 2:30 and Ron immediately announced a happy hour at their place at 4:30 – primarily to discuss getting a group of women together to golf.  We changed into long pants as soon as the sun was just on the horizon.
Terry was taking cat naps in his chair so he went inside to have a snooze.  I sliced & warmed some leftover roast and added raw veggies for a very light dinner.
This took us up to nearly 7 and time to go to Harvey & Vicki’s to play cards.  Pender & Donna were also there so after chatting over a drink we taught them all to play Wizard.  Then Vicki taught Pender an interesting version of Cribbage – Blind Cribbage – while the rest of us tried one game of Blokus.  Donna & I retired to the comfy couch to chat while the other 4 played another game of Blind Cribbage so Terry could learn the game.  After some snacks, more talking and possibly another drink, we got home at midnight.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jan 20th to 22nd - QZ, back to Mesa

Jan 20th – Mon
Marlene made a wonderful breakfast for us this morning which provided fuel for finding a parking spot and walking the big tent where there are a lot of vendors for the RV show.  We all found an item or two.  Clem & Marlene left after going through the big tent and Larry & Barb and we went across the street to Tyson Wells vendors.
We ran out of steam and came back about 3:30 to have a refreshing libation.  Then Terry & I took the motorcycle to look for an RV cover at another area.  We also tried to find Jerry & Becky.  No luck with either one.
No one had to work too hard for dinner as we had leftovers from last night and Marlene put meatballs in the crock pot this morning.  Clem’s brother Roger and his wife Vicki joined us for dinner.  We crashed pretty early as Terry faded fast once we moved inside out of the cooling evening.

Jan 21st – Tues
This morning we went to Blue Water casino in Parker.  We started with a breakfast buffet after getting player’s cards.  Then we all split up and hit the slots.  When we left about 1:30, Clem & Marlene and I broke even, Barb pulled herself & Larry out of the red and Terry was the big winner. 
We went to a huge “gem” store as Clem said it was worth having a look.  It was pretty incredible.  Then we shopped at a couple of tool places.  We drove through the parking lot at a pizza place and decided it was too crowded to get food in a timely fashion so we ended up at the Quail restaurant for an early dinner.  Our timing was excellent as the place was full and had a longer waiting list when we left.
We sat outside again until it got too cool and we moved inside.

Jan 22nd – Wed
We all went to the “Rice Ranch” section of QZ to have breakfast burritos and gizmos which are small fry breads with a drizzle of frosting & raspberry jelly.  Terry & I walked across the street to look at leather jackets at a biker clothing store but didn’t find anything to fit me.
We loaded everything up and hit the road about 11.  We stopped for diesel and Larry & Barb bought sandwiches & chips for lunch later.
We unloaded the bike and everything else that had to come out of the toy hauler and backed the trailer back into the storage area.  It was 2:30 when we got to sit down and have our lunch and even then Terry was talking to Ralph & Elsie who drove by in their new motorcycle – a CanAm!
We went to the courtyard to listen to music – The Breeze – and dance.  We heard a gathering at Moe & Trish’s when we came back but I was done for the day so we didn’t join in.  I finally made bacon & eggs for dinner.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Jan 17th to 19th - Mesa to QZ

Jan 17th – Fri
After breakfast we picked up Larry & Barb for a trip to the Mesa Marketplace.  It only took Barb 3 minutes for her first purchase – a pull golf cart for Larry – which Terry took back to the truck which of course was still nearby.  We checked out all 4 rows and were ready for a burger at “In and Out”.  Next was a stop at WalMart where Larry got a BBQ and Barb got a printer.  The last stop was Famous Footwear for sandals as Larry did his own packing and kind of forgot a few items.
Terry went to the courtyard when we got back but I was ready for a little down time and stayed home.  Terry got back just after 6 and we joined a group across the street at Dave & Phyllis’ for a drink.  I was making dinner at 8:30!

Jan 18th – Sat
I boiled baby back ribs for tomorrow and sorted out 2 small loads of laundry before Moe stopped in with his coffee to have a chat.  He was still there when Jerry & Becky brought over a stack of camping magazines and they stayed for coffee.  Larry made a quick visit to give Terry a sample of some rope that he needs.  When they all left we just had time to get the laundry done before we had to be at the toy hauler to show it to some friends.
We went out to do a couple of errands and get diesel and then joined a few people in the courtyard to listen to music.  It is from 1 to 3 on Sat but they extended it an hour and we ended up leaving at 3:30.
We hopped on the motorcycle and went to find Bob & Claudia’s place as they had a brand new CanAm delivered today.  It is gray and has a few slightly different trim features from ours.
There was an impromptu HH at our patio when Brad & Clare, Brian & Bev and Ron & Terri came by to show us their costumes for the tennis club dance which had a 20’s theme.  They all looked great but Brad had only tennis shoes to wear with his suit.  I asked his shoe size and was happy to loan him a pair of Terry’s black slip-ons which finished his look nicely.
We gobbled down a grilled cheese sandwich (luckily we ate some wings at the courtyard) and hurried over to Dennis & Gloria’s to play Ponytail Canasta with them and Rick & Vi.  Again I am sorry to report that the guys won 2 hard-fought games.

Jan 19th – Sun
We took stuff to the toy hauler, went for ice and a few groceries and put that in the toy hauler as we are going to Quartzsite for a few days.  Brad brought the shoes back and reported that the dance was great and his feet were comfy while Clare suffered in her rented heels!  Larry & Barb are coming with us to QZ so they brought over their suitcase and we headed back to the storage area.  We hooked up the toy hauler, went through a learning curve loading the motorcycle and headed west.
We stopped at a rest area and had lunch.  We pulled into our friends Clem & Marlene’s about 1:30.  We hadn’t told them about the new toys so they didn’t think it was us when we first drove in.  We parked, unloaded the bike and I cleaned the toy hauler up as I hadn’t washed the floor yet.  Then we proceeded to the serious business of drinking, talking & eating!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Jan 13th to 16th - Mesa

Jan 13th – Mon
We had 10 vehicles loaded with bicycles on our street at 10 this morning for a ride at Tempe Town Lake.  It was a little difficult to keep everyone together on the road which was necessary since only a few of us knew where to find the parking lot under the freeway.  Bikes were unloaded and 27 riders hit the trail around the lake.  It was cool enough at 9 that Terry & I changed from shorts to long pants but it warmed up nicely.
We went for lunch at Rula Bula where we have eaten in the past.  There was room in the outside patio (6 tables) for all of us but the restaurant was short 3 employees so lunch took a while to arrive and the checks were a mixed up mess.  Even though the largest table was 6 people, the restaurant charged everyone an 18% gratuity as they viewed us as one large group for dining.  Considering the uneven service this was not a popular action.
Some of us rode around the other end of the lake after lunch and some who had to get home sooner (or whose body let them down!) cut across the pedestrian bridge.  Shortly after we got back, quite a few of us went to the pool area to hit the hot tub but we ended up sitting on couches & talking/drinking rather than getting wet.
We had to get the laundry done so I came back before Terry to get it sorted out.  While the clothes were in the washer I prepped for dinner which I made when the laundry was done & put away.  Computer games & TV for the rest of the evening.

Jan 14th – Tues
We borrowed Dennis & Gloria’s golf cart so we could take Larry & Barb on a tour of the park.  We checked out the big tortoises and fed them some celery.  Barb loved the sewing center and the guys had to drag us out to finish the tour.
We went to the courtyard to listen to Jeff Stevens.  We found out from Ernie & Dianne that he plays at the AZ Opry with “Mark Lucas and the Wild Bunch” which we will be going to in April.
We had an early dinner and went to line dance lessons.  We reviewed dances and are feeling pretty good with the 3 taught in this session.
Darlene invited us over when we got back and we were joined by Ron & Terry for a drink & lots of laughs.

Jan 15th – Wed
Larry Barker (Larry & Barb) came over for coffee this morning.  I have to start using last names sometimes as there are too many duplicates! 
We went to Power Square to get a juicer at the kitchen store and they were out of stock so we stopped for lunch at 5 ‘N Diner and then went to WalMart where we got a juicer and some groceries.  I just had time to put everything away and make up a big veggie platter before it was time to go to a party.
The party was put on by Bill & Beth Cross at Rancho’s community center.  It was Beth’s birthday but they called it a Friendship party rather than a birthday party this year.  It started at 3 and they had 3 music groups for 2 hours each – North Star, Randy Johnson and Curtis Knox.  They graciously allowed us to invite Larry & Barb and we all had a great time dancing, drinking, eating and socializing.

Jan 16th – Thurs
We went to Val del Oro (another CalAm park also known as “VDO”) to check out their country store which is huge.  There are vendors along one section of the parking area, inside the ballroom and in the courtyard.  We bought a few small items.  This park is huge so we were surprised to run into Dave King who used to stay here.  His wife Glo was playing in a billiards tournament so we got to say hi and get big hugs.
We went to Mickey D’s to have breakfast for lunch and stopped on the way back to get the truck washed.  I actually finished a level in Candy Crush while we were waiting. 
We went to Garry & Steph’s for a HH in their new-to-them park model in the Fiesta section of the park.  They have a big Arizona room which is their living room and Garry is adding a 2nd bathroom to the back section of the AZ room.  We couldn’t stay too long as we had to join a group by the pool to wish Mike a happy birthday.  He wasn’t there right away so we sat in the courtyard to listen to April Walker and have a few dances.
We were ready for dinner & TV when we got home.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Jan 7th to 12th - Mesa

Yes, I do know that I am behind on the blog!!

Jan 7th – Tues
The memory foam for our bed in the toy hauler was delivered this morning so we took it over and put it on the bed to do its “unfolding & expanding” thing.  King size 4” thick foam is darned heavy!
We had a late breakfast for lunch and then I cleaned things up and put a roast in the crock pot for dinner while Terry used the motorcycle to run a couple of errands.  Dennis & Gloria were here when he returned so we visited a bit and started planning another get-together.
We went to line dance lessons at 6:15 to review dances before the actual class at 7.  We were supposed to learn a new dance but with the 2 week break for the holidays we went over the 3 that we were taught previously in this session.  It worked well as a lot of people were having trouble picking them up and as usual there were new people who had never seen the dances before.

Jan 8th – Wed
Dennis picked me up for our second Facebook class at 9.  Terry went to the ballroom to pick up tickets for the Managers’ Reception which is a free lunch (5 to accommodate everyone) as thanks for staying at Val Vista Villages.  We went to the toy hauler, trimmed the memory foam and made up the bed.  Then we went to a couple of RV parts stores on an unsuccessful search for a part for the back of the little TV so it can be moved from the bedroom to outside.  The dealer where we bought the toy hauler is getting one for us – eventually!? – but Terry is impatient. 
We went to Costco for a few items and had lunch there before coming home.  We got a lot more candles to melt for buddy burners so Terry delivered them to friends while I put stuff away, cooked some chicken thighs for a meal sometime and made devilled eggs for this evening.
We went to listen to Van Arlon in the courtyard and did some line dancing.  Terry joined a group by the firepit at the pool and I came home to bake Seasoned Green Beans.  We went to a Happy Hour(s) gathering at Ray & Viv’s who are across the street from Dennis & Gloria.  They had a couple of large propane heaters in their patio/carport which kept us comfy until just after 8 when the party broke up.

Jan 9th – Thurs
Terry went golfing this morning and I went to coffee & doughnuts with Terri before going with her to do a bit of shopping – Home Depot, Goodwill, Bon Worth, Bealls and another Goodwill to find the perfect sized tin for a buddy burner.  Then I really enjoyed relaxing with lunch & Candy Crush where I finally finished a level that has had me stumped for some time.
We went to the courtyard but I choose to sit by the pool with a group of friends around the fire pit which we did light when the sun was nearly down.  Dinner & TV for a quiet evening.

Jan 10th – Fri
I forgot about my last Facebook class so it was a good thing Dennis stopped by to pick me up!  He was a little surprised when I answered the door without socks & shoes.  This class covered pictures & albums which was interesting.
We went to the courtyard about 1 to have lunch and get a spot to sit as North Star played today and the courtyard was packed before they started at 3.  When they finished we once again joined a group by the pool.
We picked up Joe & Stella at the airport at 6:30.  Dave & Phyllis made dinner for all of us but they cannot comfortably seat 6 in their motor home and asked if they could cook and bring everything to our place.  We set up a square folding table so the guys could sit there and the women at the dining table.  We have done this before and it works very well – except if someone kicks the square table and slops a drink.

Jan 11th – Sat
After a very late breakfast, we joined Duane & Sue for a motorcycle ride to a couple of motorcycle dealers in Chandler.  Duane won a T-shirt at Mesa Bike Night but had to go to the store and check out Indian bikes to get the shirt.   It was a lovely day for a ride.  We stopped for a few groceries on the way back and were pleased to see that three 12 packs of pop will fit in the front storage compartment.
We walked to Dennis & Gloria’s at 3 and joined them & Gary for a couple of drinks which is kind of a bad idea when there is a dance at 7.  Luckily I had leftovers for an easy dinner.  The band was Rare Collections which played rock and roll type music.  They played well and kept the dance floor hopping but we prefer a little more country.

Jan 12th – Sun
The “Whiskey Row Hackers” played a scramble format for golf today.  It was very cool – OK, even cold! – when we teed off just after 8 so we were all happy when the sun broke through the clouds about an hour later.  We had 7 groups today so Red Robin had to add tables to our usual long line on their outside patio.
When we got home we immediately started setting up for a happy hour starting at 4.  The reason for the gathering was to welcome some people – Rick & Vi and Larry & Barb – and to say goodbye to Jerry & Erika who will be leaving on Tuesday.  Larry & Barb are friends from Monroe WA who we met in Alaska in 2007 and have been getting together with ever since.  They were supposed to arrive early in the afternoon after getting a satellite dish mounted on their 5th wheel but they were delayed in Quartzsite.  This meant they had about 40 people watching as they backed into a tough spot with a lamppost in the way.  We ended up with4 buddy burners providing heat & light for the hardy souls who stayed until 9.  Then we moved inside to have coffee with Larry & Barb.

Monday, January 06, 2014

Jan 4th to 6th - Mesa

Jan 4th – Sat
We shopped for storage containers at Big Lots & KMart this morning, had some lunch and stopped for groceries.  On the way back, we stopped at the toy hauler to drop off the purchases and made sure they fit.  I stayed home to put away groceries and start dinner while Terry went to the courtyard for a while to listen to music.
We went to a dance in the evening.  The band was “Saguaro Sunset” and was very good.  The tables were still not nearly full but the dance floor was busy.

Jan 5th – Sun
We went to the Mesa Marketplace this morning, wandered a couple of aisles and bought a few items.  We stopped for a burger for lunch and headed home.
We rode our bikes to the Fiesta ballroom to see if Larry & Suz needed help setting up for a party but our timing was good (!?) and they had things under control.  I tried to load some music on our tablet but didn’t have enough time and just got frustrated.
We packed up food & drink, went back to Fiesta shortly after 3 and found quite a few friends sitting by the pool enjoying the sunshine.  Some people actually went in the pool & hot tub.  We had snacks outside and then everyone moved inside for dinner at 5:30.  Larry & Suz provided ham and everyone else brought good food to go along with the ham. 
We taught a few people how to do the Ziggy and “Stroll Along Cha Cha” line dances after dinner.  It was an inspired idea of Suz’s to reserve the Fiesta ballroom for the party as it cools down quickly when the sun disappears.  A kitchen is located right off the main room which was perfect for prep & cleanup.
Jan 6th – Mon
Dennis picked me up in his golf cart this morning to go to a Facebook class at the computer center.  When I got back about 11, I found a note from Terry saying he had gone to the “Country Store” at the ballroom so I went and found him.  I made lunch and we decided to tackle a small project in the 5th wheel.
We have a small wardrobe closet in the slide beside the bed which we used mainly to hang heavy jackets and store bottles of water.  We decided a while ago to put in shelves for shoe storage.  We emptied the closet, took measurements and headed to Lowe’s for have shelves cut.  As we were browsing the aisles, we saw a plastic shelf unit that would fit perfectly – almost! – and bought it instead.  We cut down 2 sets of legs, put the shelf together inside the closet and loaded it up.  Quickest project ever!
We went to visit Ernie & Dianne and then went to the courtyard.  When our table was in shade, we joined a group by the pool which was still in sunshine.  It was very nice that Suz insisted I take some leftovers home last night as it made for an easy dinner.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Dec 31st to Jan 3rd - Mesa

Dec 31st – Tues
First thing this morning I put together Salsa Salad for this evening so it could marinate all day.  We spent some time in the toy hauler installing & figuring out items we got yesterday and previously.  Mike & Susie stopped in for a chat as they were walking past.  Back at our 5th wheel, Ernie & Dianne stopped in for a chat as they just returned from a trip to Canada for Christmas.  Then we had to meet them at the toy hauler for “a tour”.
We went to the courtyard to listen to music since the weather was just lovely.  At 6 we went to Mike & Susie’s for a New Year’s Eve party.  Also there were Ron &Terri, Bob & Sandi, Bruce, Brian & Bev and Duane & Sue.  Ron provided oysters on the half shell which some enjoyed while the rest of us watched!  All us old folks actually stayed up until midnight but dispersed fairly quickly afterwards.

Jan 1st – Wed
We joined 14 others for breakfast at “What The Hell” bar & grill.  It is nicer than the name may imply, is frequented by bikers and has several pool tables.  The breakfast special, which we all had, is eggs/meat/potatoes/toast and 2 drinks which may include Bloody Marys or Mimosas.  All this for $7.99 – a good deal.  We were there shortly before 10 and got back at 11:45 which gave us time to change clothes, fuel up the bike and meet at Chief’s for a ride.
We joined Chief & Debra, Ralph & Elsie, Duane & Sue and Al for a ride to Tortilla Flats.  Originally we were going to eat at Filly’s but by the time we rode past Tortilla Flats to the end of the pavement, we decided to stop at Tortilla Flats on the way back for a burger.  It turned out to be a good choice as three of the performers (Mark, Steve & Bill) from the AZ Opry were playing & singing.
We got back in time to join a happy hour to welcome Bob & Darlene back to Fourth Street.  We were ready to relax with TV before hitting the sack.

Jan 2nd – Thurs
Terry played golf so I started by going to coffee & doughnuts with Terri.  Then we walked to the computer lab so I could sign up for a Facebook class.  I sorted out the laundry, loaded it all in the truck and discovered when I got there that the water was turned off.  I left the truck at the laundry and walked back to do a few chores.  Once the water came back on, I finished the laundry and started defrosting one side of the freezer before Terry returned.
We joined a group at the courtyard and moved to the fire pit by the pool when music finished.  Cooling temperature and hunger pangs sent us home for dinner & TV.

Jan 3rd – Fri
We went to the MVD again and parked when we didn’t see a line out the door.  Surprise, they moved the long line inside and wrapped it around the waiting room so we left.  We were close to Garden Ridge and had a coupon for 20% off all purchases made from Jan 1st to 15th so we had to browse and buy a few more items for the toy hauler.  Next was a stop at WalMart and finally a stop for lunch.
We made a short stop to put items in the toy hauler and were back in time to do a couple of things before going to the courtyard – I chatted with Dianne and Terry went visiting on the motorcycle.  At the courtyard, a few line dancers started a lot of dances and we joined most of them.  I left a bit early to heat the oven and put in a meat loaf & potatoes for dinner for us, Ernie & Dianne and Dennis & Gloria.  We were sitting outside having a drink before dinner and were joined by Ron & Terri, Bob & Gail and Bruce.
We put our big round table inside for dinner & cards.  Dinner was good but I am sad to say that the guys won 2 games of Ponytail Canasta.