Monday, July 30, 2007

July 28th to 29th - 100 Mile House

July 28th - Sat - 100 Mile
Today was a marathon wood cutting day. We got going about 9 after chores and did not finish until 5. We did take a break for lunch and to get new bottles of water. It was hot and of course none of the trees that we were cutting up were in the shade. After lunch we brought in a load, split & stacked it and the stack was still not full. So we bit the bullet and went out for another tree which completed the stack with a little left over. What a good feeling to have that done!
Marg & I were so happy to have leftovers from our company dinner so we didn’t have to cook - just heat and eat. Needless to say, we were all pretty tired this evening.

July 29th - Sun - 100 Mile
A day of rest!
Terry, Marg & I played 9 holes of golf this morning at the short Marmot Ridge course in 100 Mile. I got 46 - one better than last Wed - and beat both Marg & Terry. After lunch and a few misc chores such as plant watering, we went to Al & Cecile’s to get some raspberries. They had picked a bucket yesterday that they said we could have but we felt guilty taking what they picked so we picked some more. And then Cecile gave us their bucket full as well! We enjoyed big bowlfuls after dinner and they were wonderful.
Marg lost a small, expensive earring when she took off her ear protectors when we were cutting wood yesterday. She heard it when it hit the tractor step but we could not find it. We marked the spot and went out with the metal detector to try to find it. The metal detector did not pick it up but Terry spotted it in the grass. A good day all around!

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