Friday, November 16, 2007

Nov 13th to 15th - Mesa, AZ

Nov 13th - Tues - Mesa
Quiet day today. We do not get wifi at our site so we have to go to the office. Posted to the blog, arranged for our mail to be forwarded and checked out the women’s clothing sale at the “patio”. We went to the pool & spa with Barry & Yvonne in the afternoon.
We had baby back ribs with Barry & Yvonne for dinner today. Yvonne & I made a quick trip to the grocery store for a couple of items including white candy coating and pretzels. After dinner, I showed Yvonne how to make coated pretzels.

Nov 14th - Wed - Mesa
We finally got the satellite dish set up. We will be shopping for a new compass!! Terry had a hard time finding south again so we spent way too long trying to get it set up but finally got it done. Of course we then had to go to the office to get new decryption keys from the internet. After we had been watching TV for an hour or so, the signal was scrambled again (!?) so we drove to the office area to search for more keys which did work but only for some channels. This sounds like a pain, doesn’t it?
Barbequed steaks with Barry & Yvonne. They mostly go out to eat so it is nice to have their company while we are here.

Nov 15th - Thurs - Mesa
When we went to the office to access the internet for a new program for our satellite receiver, we also had to wander through the weekly “Country Store” sale here at the park. The new program totally fixed our satellite TV so Terry is a happy camper - literally!
We were scheduled to play golf today but it rained and was very windy so we canceled. Barry & Yvonne came over and we watched the movie “Happy Feet” on TV. It is the animated movie about penguins. Terry thought I was crazy wanting to watch it but it was fun.
Barry bought new golf clubs which he was dying to try so he & Yvonne went to the driving range (in the continuing wind and showers). Terry & I made a trip to the grocery store and then I started the pork chop dinner which we were all sharing tonight. Yvonne wrote out some recipes from my recipe box but Barry said he “will believe it when he eats it” about Yvonne doing more cooking.

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