Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 25th & 26th - Winnipeg

July 25th - Fri - Winnipeg
We spent most of the day cleaning after getting up late and enjoying coffee & breakfast. Terry worked on the outside of the 5th wheel and inside & outside the truck. I spent hours cleaning blinds. I don’t have a brush attachment for the vacuum (and I’m not sure it would work) so I wiped every fold of the “day” pleated shades with a wet micro fiber cloth. I’m glad I don’t have to do that again for another 3 or 4 years! Then, since the furniture was pulled out of the way, I cleaned walls & windows.
We made a trip for groceries as we are going to be leaving on Sunday and driving quickly across Ontario & Quebec. Ontario is a huge province and we decided that we have left the trip to Newfoundland a little late as campgrounds start closing for the winter in early to mid September. We will see Ontario & Niagara Falls on another trip.
I made a batch of pepper jelly after dinner and it did not set up. The first batch that I made at Marg’s was perfect so I’m not sure what went wrong. I think the peppers were quite a bit larger which probably altered the proportion of veggies/sugar/pectin.

July 26th - Sat - Winnipeg
More “chores” today - washed all of Terry’s cleaning cloths (twice by hand and then in the laundry), made chocolate chip banana muffins (and left out the chips until after they were in the oven!), searched the internet for ways to fix the pepper jelly, gave Dolly and bath & a haircut, went to town for a haircut for me and a couple more grocery items that I forgot (or used up since yesterday) and fixed the pepper jelly by reboiling and adding sugar & pectin. Also spent time catching up on emails.
It was hot today. Started out with quite a bit of wind but still warm. It is nearly 9 pm and the breeze coming in all the open windows is finally cool.

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