Wednesday, June 03, 2009

June 1st to 3rd - Spokane

June 1st - Mon - Spokane
We made our to-do list and started working on it today after a visit from Terry’s brother Skip and his wife Kathy. Driver’s license office was closed so couldn’t get that done. Got license tabs for the truck & 5th wheel, made a stop at Costco and went to an RV place to make an appointment to get the slides on the 5th wheel adjusted. While we were there we had to check out the Montana that has caught our eye - we’ll keep ours for a while.
Don had ribs boiling when we returned and I used leftover carrots & potatoes to put together an au gratin casserole for an easy dinner.
Don & EllaMae like to watch baseball so we are learning to commiserate with them when the Seattle Mariners blow yet another lead.

June 2nd - Tues - Spokane
I got an eye exam this morning and then spent 45 minutes waiting to get my driver’s license renewed. When we changed our address to our mail box 2 ½ years ago, 2 employees allowed Terry & I to use that address. This time, the guy who waited on me said that according to WA state law I had to have a physical address. When I said we lived in our RV he asked where it was and I told him it was parked on the street in front of my mother-in-law’s house. He asked for her address and I was surprised and unhappy to see that address on my temporary license. That means my new license will be mailed here and Don will have to forward it to us.
Visited a couple of stores, washed the truck and returned to the house. Don & I had sorted through the freezer and I used a “well aged” steak to make stroganoff while Don made a run to the grocery store.
Mariners won tonight!

June 3rd - Wed - Spokane
3 overripe bananas demanded to be used in muffins this morning. Then I had Terry haul in my sewing machine so I could replace zippers in 4 pairs of his shorts. They all have nylon zippers that split open at inopportune times. He loves the shorts and they are fairly new so I figured I would see what I could do. I was a bit of a pessimist and only bought one zipper so after I struggled through one replacement we made a trip to get the other 3 zippers.
Terry’s brother Gary came for lunch today which he does most Wednesdays. It was good to see him again. After lunch Don mowed the lawn, Terry trimmed with the weed eater and EllaMae & I sat in the shade and watched them work. But I took my turn later and trimmed some plants overhanging from the neighbor’s yard. Then I cussed my way through replacing another zipper.
We introduced Don & EllaMae to Frito Pie for dinner. I am blogging while the others watch another ball game.
The weather is lovely here right now. Breezy mornings, sunny all day. I am happy that we are sleeping in an air conditioned house.

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