Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dec 23rd to 25th - Yuma

Dec 23rd - Wed - Yuma
Had a late breakfast to give us energy for a golf game today with Charlie & Julie. 18 holes is a long game when you walk the course. C&J have not played for months and don’t usually walk so we were all dragging by the time we finished.
Just enough time to rest for a bit and then join Claude & Val and Charlie & Julie at P&R’s for our daily happy hour. We are all among the younger residents of this 55+ RV park and have a great time together.

Dec 24th - Thurs - Yuma
Terry had an urge for cinnamon rolls this morning so we went shopping. We ended up at 3 grocery stores on the hunt for pickled asparagus.
After pigging out on cinnamon rolls, I started work on some appetizers for this evening. P&R and we went to Charlie & Julie’s for “appy” dinner. Ate, drank and had a good time.

Dec 25th - Fri - MERRY CHRISTMAS
Christmas dinner at our place today so, after a breakfast of jelly biscuits, I moved into cleaning mode. Nothing like company to push me to clean! I found out how lazy I have been!
Not too much cooking to do. Pat cooked a turkey, stuffing, gravy & brussel sprouts. Julie made 2 great pies and Val contributed rolls & green bean casserole. That left potatoes, carrots and a veggie plate for me.
Everyone was here shortly after 3 for drinks & conversation - generally several conversations at once. We set up a second table in the “living room” so we could all be seated for dinner at 6. Then we played a couple of games - LCR & “Golf” race (Horse race but with a golf theme). Coffee & dessert before everyone left about 9. Great day with super friends.
Nice sunny day but with the usual wind to keep it cool outside.

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