Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 18th to 20th - 100 Mile to Spokane

July 18th – Mon
We left Marg’s at 9:40 this morning, dumped the tanks at the sani station in town and then pulled into the car wash to get rid of a layer of dust on the 5th wheel and lots of dirt on the truck. It was raining when we finished and pulled out of the car wash!
The drive was uneventful and we decided to take a slightly different route down the east side of Okanagan Lake which is winding but nice. We stopped for lunch in Merritt and stayed at Rock Creek where we camped with a group of friends a few years ago.

July 19th – Tues
We walked across the highway and played a 9-hole round of golf this morning. The grass was very wet and neither one of us had a good game but we had the requisite couple of good shots to keep us golfing. We were meeting Bill & Georgia at Sullivan Lake so we continued through Grand Forks and crossed the border at Cascade. It must have been a slow, boring day for the customs agent as he looked in the rig and then had Terry open the slides so he could check the living room. Terry said he spent more time commenting on the rig & amenities than checking anything.
To get to Sullivan Lake, we went south to Colville (where we bought groceries and had lunch), then east to Tiger/Ione and north to a few mile from the Canadian border. There are 3 forest service campgrounds and when we talked to Bill he wasn’t sure where we would find a spot but figured we would be OK with cell phones. Wrong!! There is no Verizon service there so we drove around – in the rain – the campground loops and didn’t find Bill & Georgia. We decided to head back towards Spokane and finally got cell service where we had several messages from Georgia saying they were waiting for us at Tiger. We didn’t have any other ideas of where to stay and we finally ended up at the Spokane RV Park beside the Deer Park golf course. It is a lovely setting, it was warm enough to sit outside for dinner and we are with good friends so all is good.

July 20th – Wed
Georgia brought Terry a bowl of raspberries from her garden and we really enjoyed them for breakfast. We chatted a while with Bill & Georgia before we all packed up to leave. We set up at the Elks Lodge in Spokane, ran a few errands and then went to the casino for a few hours – to the delight of the casino rather than us.
It was time for happy hour and dinner when we returned so we had a quiet evening. The weather was dry and pleasantly warm.

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