Friday, October 05, 2012

Oct 2nd to 4th - Mesa

Oct 2nd – Tues – Mesa
We went for a bike ride this morning and checked out the bocce courts –they need vacuuming – said hi to Bill and then Larry and then Julie & Larry.  We bought tickets for an afternoon dance that we forgot to get yesterday.
We met the gang at the courtyard for lunch at 1:30.  The grill opened today and there was music from 3 to 5.  The music duo was very good and we danced to a few songs even though it was hot and it is hard to dance in sandals on pavers.  Just as we were leaving for the courtyard, Robin called to ask for a favor.  She, Neil and her niece Jennifer had gone shopping, Robin was dropped off at Home Depot and Neil and Jennifer carried on to Verizon.  When Neil locked the car he realized that he did not have his key and they have a car that does not require a key to start, only that a key is in close proximity to the lock.  In this case, Robin had her key and kept it with her.  Terry went to Home Depot to get the key from Robin and delivered it to Neil down the road a few miles.
Bob & Sandi got in yesterday and Sandi dropped in to say hi at the courtyard so we invited them to dinner.  I had a pork roast in the crock pot so it was easy to make a salad and sweet potatoes.  They are only staying for a week and coming back later so it was nice to have a good visit with them.

Oct 3rd – Wed
It was time for laundry today so we got it done in the morning – but not real early!  I made an early lunch and then we went shopping at a new store called Garden Ridge that Barb told us about at the laundry room.  It is a huge warehouse store with all kinds of home goods – patio furniture, Christmas decorations, area rugs & mats, storage boxes of all kinds, mirrors, art work for walls, garden décor, beds, bedding, some books, kitchen utensils, party goods and other misc items.  We wandered around and bought a few items.  We stopped at Fry’s on the way back for a few groceries and filled up with diesel.
It was hot again so after putting groceries away it was time to head for the pool.  We didn’t know anyone there for a while but then Jerry & Becky showed up and Brian & Bev weren’t too far behind.  Jamie & Lorraine came by and said that a couple that they knew from a park in BC –Bruce & Mary - was here so Terry showed Bev where they were.  Bruce & Mary showed up after they returned from looking for Brian & Bev!
We talked for a while with everyone and about 6:30 came home for dinner, TV and bed.

Oct 4th – Thurs
We went for coffee & doughnuts which was shorter than usual since the managers – Kevin & Nancy – are vacationing in Aruba.  It was still cool enough when we got back to make a tablecloth for our round folding table.  We got heavy vinyl at Garden Ridge yesterday and I had to sew strips on 2 sides so we would have more overhang, then cut it in a circle.  It turned out so well that I started a tablecloth for inside from fabric that we got about a week ago.  I didn’t have the right color of thread so we made a trip to WalMart for thread and a couple of grocery items.
After lunch, I sewed the tablecloth and then we took Brian & Bev to Garden Ridge.  They wanted some patio furniture and found a table & chairs.  They also got a shade canopy and some material to cover a table that they have outside with stuff stored underneath.  I got 2 more pieces of the vinyl that I used for our outdoor tablecloth.
Of course it was now time to cool off at the pool.  I had put a roast in the crock pot but Bev asked us to join them, Jamie & Lorraine and Bruce & Mary for dinner so the roast & gravy ended up in the fridge for later.  We had a good dinner and a great time with our new friends.  Terry even brought out the buddy burner for “show & tell” since we certainly didn’t need the heat.

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