Saturday, April 20, 2013

Apr 17th to 19th - Branson

Apr 17th – Wed - to Branson
We discovered that the first shuttle to the old town of Eureka Springs did not show up at the park until 10:15 so we all went in Bill’s truck to find “the world’s largest tuned wind chime”.  After taking pictures, we went to an information center and found we would still be waiting for a “yellow” shuttle until 10.  We changed to the “red” shuttle in town and took a tour around the town and then stayed on the shuttle and got off at a stop up the hill so we could walk downhill & shop.
We caught a “blue” shuttle back to the truck at the info center and stopped at Pizza Hut for lunch.  We were an hour late – after 1:00 – checking out of the RV park to head to Branson MO.  The GPS took us on a winding route.  The last time we drove from Branson to Eureka Springs we took a longer, straighter route and should have done so this time.  The map did not indicate the number of sharp, slow corners.
We checked into the Ozark County Campground and parked in 3 side-by-side pull thrus.  The park personnel were wonderful and we are looking forward to spending a week here.  I immediately filled all 4 washers in the laundry room with clothes while Terry went to pick up some tickets and fill a propane tank.  I put in my 5th load of laundry and stayed while everything dried.  Terry showed up in time to help carry it all back.  The others went grocery shopping and then they did laundry.  They all came over for a short visit before dinner which ended up being burritos made by Georgia and a quesadilla that I made.
It was warm when we arrived so we changed into shorts & sandals.  By the time we finished dinner and sat visiting for a while, it was breezy and we were ready to move inside.  It was also after 9 so we opened windows and turned on the TV to choose from the 49 cable channels available here in the park.

Apr 18th – Thurs
We had a huge storm last night – rain, lightning & great rolls of thunder.  Terry turned on the TV to the weather channel at 4:00 AM and added tornado warnings to the mix!  When we checked in here, we were told to head to the concrete block laundry/washroom building if we heard a siren but we were spared that “adventure”.
We had reservations for a 10:00 am show so we all left in Bill’s truck about 9:15 as we didn’t know how long it would take to drive and how early we had to be there.  Turns out we were very early and there weren’t many others attending the show as this is early in the season.  The show was a tribute to John Denver and was held in a very small – intimate! -  theater.  We were in the second row which was level with the musicians and about 8 feet away.  It started a little slow but ended up being lots of fun with great music.
We went to Branson Landing and walked a portion of it in light rain & wind.  We stopped for a burger for lunch and then stopped on Main St for a visit to the legendary Dick’s 5 & 10 store.  We checked out some flea markets for a spice rack for Lonnie & Cindy – no luck – and headed home.  Terry took off with Lonnie to get parts to fix our CB and parts for Lonnie’s truck while I checked email and relaxed.
At 7:15 we left for another show at 8 – Hamner/Barber.  It was a larger theater with more people attending but still not even half full.  Dave Hamner is a magician and Jim Barber is a ventriloquist.  They were both wonderful and the finale that was a tribute to veterans was so incredible and moving that everyone was a little subdued as we left.  We had turned on our electric mattress pad before leaving so we immediately crawled into a toasty warm bed.

Apr 19th – Fri
We found a full-sized WalMart so we started with grocery shopping this morning.  Then we picked up our CB which a guy at Radio Shack had fixed.  Finally, we got 2 new 6 volt batteries for the rig as we had a little episode when we left Eureka Springs – the slides would not come in right away and it seemed like a battery problem.  Terry ran the truck for a few minutes and one came in slowly and then the others did OK.  We had our existing batteries in our old 5th wheel so we felt better replacing them before we are stuck somewhere with our slides out.
I put away all the groceries while Terry put in the batteries and put the CB back together.  He got one test call to Lonnie before it crapped out again.  Guess we should have done the same as the batteries and got a new one!
Now it was already time to pile into our truck to go to a show called “IT” at 3:00.  IT is a variety show performed by members of the prolific Hughes family – 5 brothers and their 35 children.  The brothers also have 4 adopted sisters.  Hard to say how old the brothers are but the oldest child was 19 I think.  It was a fast moving, great show.
We were going to go to Branson Landing for dinner but when we saw the slow traffic we thought we would be pushed to get to our 7:30 show so we stopped at Ruby Tuesday’s and had lots of time.  The show at 7:30 was “Paul Harris & the Cleverlys”.  Paul Harris did a standup comedy routine in an only slightly exaggerated Ozark accent (which is his native accent) for nearly an hour and it was hilarious.  Then he was joined by 4 musicians who played & sang until the break.  After the break, the 5 guys wandered back in dressed in suits & big cowboy hats to become the Cleverlys.  They played modern music – Lady GaGa, Black-Eyed Peas, Gangnam Style – as Bluegrass which was very entertaining.
It was clear and sunny today but still windy and cool.

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