with the guys for Terry this morning. After I caught up the blog and
puttered around, I went shopping. I started at Goodwill and got a
different costume for Halloween. My first outfit from the costume
shop had a heavy black slip with fringe and when I tried it on
yesterday I saw that, indeed, you could see through the skirt. I
browsed through Kohls & WalMart and only ended up with a few
was leftover Mexican layered dip from yesterday so I invited Terri
over to have lunch. We walked over to check out Dennis &
Gloria's driveway project – still needs a clear coat. I had a
little more “me” time before Terry got back.
group decided to go to Taco Tuesday at Sun Life again so we drove and
took Ron & Terri and Brian & Bev. We were there for an hour
or so when someone mentioned that Jerry & Becky didn't come
because they were going to Don & Mary's. That's when we realized
that Don & Mary's party was today rather than Thursday as we
went to Don & Mary's when we got back and it was still hopping.
They provided all the food & drinks and only a few chairs which
results in more mingling and a great party. When we left we drove by
Dennis & Gloria's to check out the driveway – looks great –
and then stopped to chat with a group at Ron & Irene's.
Oct 29th –
shade for the end of the awning was delivered about 1:00. The guys
finished installation of clips & rods on ours & Ron &
Terri's. They look great.
was a grand opening at the Courtyard today. It was to start at 2:45
with a ribbon cutting so we thought we couldn't get in before that
time until someone said Julie was already saving tables just after
1:00. We went shortly after 2 and lots of people were already there.
The ribbon cutting was accompanied by a champagne toast and the core
group of workers were brought up front and given a well deserved
round of applause.
it was time to party. Free beer & wine, full $ bar open for
those who don't drink beer or wine. Brats with sauerkraut, chips &
cookies were served buffet style in the ballroom. Rich Mancini did a
marvelous job of providing dance music and an electric slide filled
the huge new dance floor. The pool deck had been painted and chairs
set out so Terry asked Jodie (manager) if the pool was open for
swimming. She only needed to say yes to have Terry being the first
to jump in fully dressed when music stopped.
came home, Terry changed into dry clothes and went to Roosters. I
have had some “intestinal discomfort” for a couple of days so I
stayed home. Terry had a scare when he couldn't find his wallet
after being at Roosters for a while. Being in a panic and having had
a few drinks sent him home to see if he left the wallet here. When
he went back, Julie pulled out a little flashlight and they found his
wallet on the floor. I will have to replace the velcro on his pocket
Oct 30th –
picked up Ralph & Elsie at 8 for a trip to Tucson to look at and
hopefully bring back a 5th wheel for them. We stopped for
breakfast in Florence. It was a Mexican restaurant downtown and was
very good. We had to wait for a sales rep at an RV park to see the
5th wheel. Ralph had talked to people several times and
had seen only a few pictures. After a thorough inspection by all of
us and a discussion later in the park lobby, they decided to do some
more looking as they didn't really have any comparisons and there
were a few things that Elsie really didn't like – oak woodwork for
one. One the way back, we stopped for a late lunch at Cracker Barrel
in Casa Grande. Of course it was now time for a drink and more
discussion about 5th wheels & park models.
was out riding his new bicycle so we chatted a bit with Terri before
he returned. Vic & Jackie came by as they were waiting for Peter
& Barb to arrive. When Peter & Barb got here, they had quite
a story about a woman standing on the side of the highway and talking
on a phone. Just before they reached her, she spun around and walked
onto the road in front of them. Peter swerved & honked the horn
but Barb is still not sure how they missed her. Bob & Dar
stopped for a quick chat when they returned from watching a senior
tour golf tournament. Ron Sr came by with no new information on
Irene who was taken to the hospital in an ambulance last night with
pain in her back & leg that kept her from getting out of bed
yesterday. Results of a CT scan tomorrow will determine what
treatment is needed. There is a very real possibility of Medivac for
Irene and Ron driving the motor home back to their home in BC.
Ron started the BBQ for their dinner, we took the bike to see Bill &
Beth to discuss park model rentals. Then we came home to crash.