Friday, December 25, 2015

Dec 15th to 21st - Mesa

Dec 15th – Tues
So I obviously spent quite a bit of time catching up the blog this morning!
We picked up Phyllis Kasper and Dennis & Gloria to go to Chen's in Fountain Hills for lunch. We timed the trip so we could first watch the fountain go on at noon (every hour for 15 minutes) and then we all had a very good lunch.
We were back in plenty of time for MCY with Van Arlon. Then more line dancing at lessons at 7:00.

Dec 16th – Wed
One of our favorite chores this morning – laundry! We made some little sleighs out of candy (as seen on Facebook) which turned out really good. After dancing to the Brookharts in the courtyard, we went to Ray & Viv's with some other friends to continue the fun. Good thing Viv put out some snacks as we were there for quite a while! A couple of propane heaters kept us warm outside.
Terry had just a tad too much to drink so he went to bed when we got home while I had a grilled cheese sandwich and stayed up a while.

Dec 17th – Thurs
Once again we gave coffee & doughnuts a pass and goofed off for a few hours. On Tuesday Paul asked if Terry would give his wife Yvonne a surprise motorcycle ride for her birthday today. Then I suggested to Paul that we could leave in his car when Terry & Yvonne took off and meet them for lunch. Paul loved the idea and invited 2 other couples as well. It all turned out great except Terry didn't realize how far the restaurant was so they were a little late. Bobbie got to ride back on the motorcycle. We had to laugh about Terry going out the gate with one woman and back in with another and neither one was his wife!
We went to MCY with Guilty Pleasures. It was cool but not cold. A few weeks ago we were looking for shade and now we are looking for a sunny spot.

Dec 18th – Fri
We realized that we needed more candy sleighs as we were giving them out as our Christmas greeting this year so we went shopping for more “ingredients”. We made a dozen more and did a few deliveries before MCY with Road Runner.
At 6 we walked to the end of the block for dinner at Dan & Robin's. They also invited Larry & Suz, Duane & Sue and Bob & Gail. After dinner we were dancing in the living room when Neal & Robin dropped in. Great evening!

Dec 19th – Sat
We were the first group at golf this morning. We were paired with Rick & Janet which was a lot of fun as this was the first time that we played with them and it was nice getting to know them a bit more. Rather than going to a restaurant, we all returned to the courtyard for lunch. We set up 3 tables with extra chairs and made sure there were propane heaters going. We decided to order lunch as soon as another group got there so the staff wasn't trying to make all the food at once. It worked out really well as MCY is from 1-3 on Saturday so we also had some entertainment.
We had time to rest before going to the Saturday night dance with Reign-N-Country.

Dec 20th – Sun
We woke up with no heat – both propane tanks were empty. Terry always leaves one open & one closed but he opened both when we had a problem with the furnace a while ago so he had to get both filled.
We rode with a group of motorcyclists to Filly's for lunch. We were the only Spyder in the group of 13 bikes but Ralph & Elsie caught up just as we were parking. Ralph had a new battery installed and didn't know initially if they would join us.
The weather was perfect to sit outside to eat. However, the whole experience wasn't perfect. There is a $1.00 per person charge if a band is playing – even it the band is inside as it was today. Then an 18% gratuity for groups of more than 8. Our food took a while to arrive even though the place was not nearly full and 2 orders of fries were ice cold. We have always enjoyed Filly's but will have to check out some other places.
When we went to leave, Ralph's new battery wouldn't start his bike. We tried jumping from our battery with no luck so Elsie & Ann (who rode with Al) stayed at Filly's while Al took Ralph back to the park to get Ralph's motorcycle trailer.
We delivered a few more sleighs and took it easy the rest of the day.

Dec 21st – Mon
Some of our computer games have “specials” for December so we had a lovely lazy morning. Danced with Tiana Ricardi at MCY. Harlan & Barb came over to deliver their Xmas present to us and we enjoyed a drink with them. Other parts of the day - ????

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