Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 19-20th - Spokane

June 19-20th - Spokane
Sun – We all went to breakfast at the sprint boat race venue this morning. It was put on by a restaurant from Spokane – fried potatoes, gravy, eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee, OJ. Outside of course and the weather co-operated. Easy pack up & trip back to Spokane. We came back to the Elks club, signed up for 2 nights and got settled. We relaxed a bit and had a drink before meeting Bill & Georgia at Applebee's for dinner. When we hooked up today, Georgia asked Terry why he left the shin-knocker (tow ball) on our truck since we tow a 5th wheel. Terry said it would prevent damage to the truck if someone backed into us in a parking lot. Darned if a waiter didn't come by asking if anyone owned a blue-gray (?) truck on the edge of the parking lot as someone had hit the truck and wanted to own up! Turned out she had probably hit the hitch as there was no damage to the truck.

Mon – We were lazy for a bit this morning and then went to visit Barb Fatzinger before her PT appointment. We had a nice visit with her and friend Karen. Barb is doing well or else she lies well. She has the neatest ice machine that pumps cool water through a hose that you place/wrap on your knee. No more drippy ice packs. They have probably been around for a while but I haven't seen anyone using it.
We stopped at Senor Froggy's for lunch, came back to pick up an empty propane tank, got the tank filled and did some grocery shopping. Shopping was an adventure as Fred Meyer was resetting huge sections of the store so we had to wander around to find a couple of non-food items. First thing when we got back – turn on the AC!! Uneventful evening with dinner & computer games.

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