Saturday, July 02, 2016

June 29th & 30th, July 1st

June 29th & 30th, July 1st - Montana
Wed – We met Dennis & Deb and Jim & Cathy for breakfast in Ronan this morning. There was way too much good food in each order. I ordered 2 pancakes, 2 eggs & bacon. I ate 1 pancake, 2 eggs and 3 of the 4 pieces of bacon. It gave me enough energy to update the blog when we got back! We rode to Bigfork again and this time found the touristy section of town that we missed previously. It took quite a while to check out all the shops on both sides of the street that was about 2 blocks long. One store had a full basement crammed with more stuff. We ended up at DQ again for a late, light lunch – OK, I only had a Blizzard! After coming back and paying for 5 more days it was time for happy hour. Then we moved on to Kate's place for drinks & food. She sold her 5th wheel on a seasonal site so she had the new owners over to meet some people.
Thurs - We played a 9 hole golf course this morning with Mike & Brenda. Jim & Cathy and Howard & Karleen also played. We did a scramble format as this was Brenda's first golf game and Mike didn't want her to get discouraged right away. If she keeps at it she will be just fine. This was the first time anyone in our group had played the course so I will use that as an excuse not to have done better than 1 over! We all went to a bar & grill in Pablo for lunch which we had to digest playing computer games. Happy hour of course. We made the mistake yesterday of saying we would join a group for pizza for dinner tonight so we felt we had to go. A lady takes orders and phones them in to the pizza place so we don't have to wait so long. Unfortunately, they messed up our order so we had to wait for a second pizza to be baked. Since we had a big lunch we brought half of the pizza home.
Fri – I chose this morning to sit around in my PJs playing games and Mike came over about 9 to ask if we wanted to go to the farmers' market with them. I got ready in a hurry and we drove to town in their jeep. Brenda immediately lined up to buy sticky rolls which is the reason they go to the market! The line was long but Dixie was up ahead a ways so they got her to buy 2 rolls for us. We came back to eat them and even Terry agreed that ½ a roll is plenty. Terry took Dennis on the motorcycle to pick up Dennis' truck at the Chev dealer in Ronan since Dennis really wanted a ride on the bike. Leftover pizza for lunch. Happy hour today was margarita night. We have been telling some women that we will teach them a couple of line dances which we did today since there was music playing in the pavilion. Honky Tonk Stomp and Terry's version of the Electric Slide (box step instead of rock). The heat & margaritas prompted many people to swim and/or sit in the hot tub afterward. At 10:30 the owner of the park (Walter) had a fireworks show for Canada Day. It was very nice but apparently nothing like he puts on for the 4th. He has a pyrotechnic license to do his own shows.

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