Thursday, June 22, 2017

June 8th to 22nd - Spokane

So I'll start out with 3 missing days!!! When I was trying to catch up on the blog last time, I made notes on a calendar. I have a note on the 8th that I have no idea what it is! On Sunday we had Harlan & Barb over for dinner and then the guys whipped the ladies at Sequence. The Elks lodge have “Taco Tuesday” so we checked it out. I had a good taco salad and Terry could barely finish 2 chili dogs. There was some iffy music provided by 2 guys and we did a few dances. On Thursday we went to dinner at Harlan & Barb's and they had us invite Bill & Georgia as well since we had spoken of them often. A great dinner (beer can chicken on the Traeger) and a great time.
Friday it was time for laundry again. I was not happy with the last laundromat and we remembered a different one from a previous visit and luckily it was much nicer. Also beside a Wendy's so we had lunch while the clothes were washing. We were hanging & folding when Bill & Georgia came in. They stopped at Wendy's for lunch and recognized the truck!
Saturday we took Harlan & Barb to sprint boat races at St John. After stopping for breakfast in Spangle, we joined Bill & Georgia and several of their and our friends. Bill & Linda Schoepflin also came so we had a fun group. Bill & Georgia's son Dennis has a boat. He moved up a class (unlimited) this year, had some problems with his boat and came in second. Beautiful weather. We went to Quest casino on Sunday and ran into Mike & Mary Lightfoot (I used to work at the same company as Mary). After chatting for a while, we proceeded to have our worst day yet at a casino. It was very crowded so probably won't go again on the weekend.
Our new awning arrived but it was dented by a fork lift so a Lippert rep got into the act to get another one out ASAP. Terry got a phone call on Friday the 16th saying he could bring the rig in on Tuesday for the repair. Yep, the same day and time as my green card appointment!! Being a great friend, Georgia offered to take me to my appointment.
So Tuesday morning, we got up early to get the rig ready to move & dump the tanks since we don't have a dump at our site. Everything went well with my appointment and Georgia & I returned to their place just a few minutes before Terry. We all went to breakfast and then spent some fun time shopping for some items that Bill wanted for their new truck/5th wheel. Georgia had invited us for dinner and when we got a call, we were able to pick up the 5th wheel, take it back to the Elks to set up and then return for dinner cooked by Georgia. We had to pass on Sequence as it had been a LONG day.
The next item is new tires for the truck! Sometimes it never ends! We went shopping on Wednesday and have an appointment to get the tires installed on Monday. Today (Thursday) we decided that we needed privacy/sun screen panels for the back doors for when we have the deck out. If company sleeps in the back when the deck is down there is no privacy from outside. So more shopping and then sewing. Terry suggested on a couple of errands on the bike which was great to get him out of my hair for a while!
So I am kind of back to my rambling blog. Hopefully I will keep up a bit better and remember what the heck we did!

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