Sunday, October 01, 2006

Not on the road yet

We are living in the 5th wheel at a KOA in Spokane while we wait to retire. Let's go back a couple of months......
Put the house on the market at the end of June and took off for the long July 4th weekend in Canada with friends and family. Good news?! - the house sold at the end of July (while Terry was on a fishing trip in Canada!) with possession set for the 27th of August. By the time the sale was final, we had about 3 weeks to sort and price all of our possessions for a huge estate sale. We decided not to store anything. Talk about getting into high gear! And oh, by the way, Terry promised his son that he would play in a golf tournament in Olympia on Aug 10th so we made a mad dash there & back in two days and got to work on the pricing when we got back.
Luckily, sister Marg, cousin Pat & her hubby Rick came from Canada to help us with the sale and purchase a few goodies for themselves. Many friends wanted to "shop early" so we decided to have a preview sale and going away party on Friday Aug 18th. Saturday Aug 19th and Sunday the 20th were sale days - thank goodness for good friends who gave up a big part of their weekend to help us out. Oops, not everything sold so on Sat the 26th we had another unadvertised sale and got rid of almost everything. We pulled out with the 5th wheel stuffed with what we needed and what we might need - time to sort out later - late Saturday afternoon. Almost "no room at the inn" when we arrived at the KOA but we ended up with a decent spot and are still here. We are almost used to the frequent train whistles from the 2 tracks running alongside the park!
Looking forward to November 1st when we are finally done with our jobs and can get going.


Claude & Val Pauze/ Heathman said...

A good start Glenda! Look forward to new entries, Claude and Val

Claude & Val Pauze/ Heathman said...

A good start Glenda! Look forward to new entries, Claude and Val