Monday, February 05, 2007

QZ - Feb 3rd & 4th

Feb 3, Saturday
We met a new couple at the park breakfast this morning - Clem & Marlene from Madison, SD. They like to play games and are here for a while so I think we will spend some time together.
We went for lunch with Ken & Jo to the Black Rock café at Brenda. Before we stopped for lunch we drove to Salome to show Ken & Jo some of the countryside. We saw an interesting part of the town where there were individual airplane hangers lining a small runway. A lot of the hangers also had living quarters. Others had mobile homes or small residences in addition to the hanger. On the way back to Brenda we saw some buildings off the road a ways which we were able to identify as more hangers.
We had a nice lunch and browsed through a small “crafty” shop - or, as Ken calls it, “Happy Crap“.
Our park internet source was having a new satellite dish installed so we went to the library to post our blog but could not get hooked up to the Wi-Fi. On the way back, we stopped to talk to a neighbor and he told us about some car races at Blythe. So we walked over and asked Clem & Marlene if they wanted to go to the races with us. They were willing so that’s how we spent Saturday evening.
There were three types of cars racing on a paved 3/8 mile oval - tiny, small and stock. The tiny cars had Briggs & Stratton engines and were driven by 8 - 12 year olds. The small cars had Yamaha engines and drivers 13 and up. Unfortunately, we did not take our camera so don’t have any pictures. The driving was great - hard to believe they were so young. It got quite cool with a slight breeze so we were happy that it turned out to be an evening where every senior attendee received a fleece blanket in a nylon stuff sack. Very enjoyable evening.

Feb 4, Sunday
Beautiful weather - warm even with a slight breeze. Terry went to the classic car show with Ken while I made phone calls. Clem & Marlene stopped by and we sat outside and had a beer - this is what we have been expecting and waiting for in the south for the winter.
Jo & Ken asked us over for an early dinner. When we came back I again enjoyed the warm weather by sitting out and reading. And of course we had to watch the Super Bowl.

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