Thursday, July 02, 2009

June 30th to July 2nd - 100 Mile House

June 30th - Tues - 100 Mile House
Back to the logging behind the house. There were some trees that needed major persuading to miss the fence and the power line. Marg lifted Terry up on the tractor loader to place a rope as high as possible which he then used to pull the tree in the opposite direction from where it was leaning. Then it was my turn to get a lift in the loader to trim dead limbs from several large trees. We hauled away the largest debris and then Marg & Terry went back to the storage shed while Dad & I cleaned up small junk behind the shop where the storage shed is being built.
When we went in for lunch, we realized that we had not seen Sage (Marg’s Border Collie) for some time. Marg assumed the worst and took the ATV to look for her in the sheep pasture. After driving all over, Marg finally found Sage in the chicken house. She slipped in when Dad went in there and she will not bark to let you know she is there.
After lunch, Marg, Terry & I went shopping and took the small chain saw in for some adjustments.

We did a few small jobs this morning - laundry, cleaned up several years worth of sunflower seed shells under the bird feeders, secured the metal roof on the barn by putting Terry on a ladder on the loader of the tractor and straightened the step on the tractor that Marg caught on a stump.
Then we went to take in some Canada Day events at Heritage House at 108 Mile. The Lions Club was selling hamburgers so we took advantage of that for lunch. There was a little stage with entertainment (music, Tai Quan Do, square dancing and belly dancing) which we enjoyed while we ate and afterwards. There were vendor booths to be explored and Marg saw many acquaintances.
Next we dropped off a couple of wheelbarrows that Dad had repaired and stopped to visit Marg’s guardian dog that she had to give away because it played too rough with the lambs. She is now doing a great job of keeping deer from eating the plants in a nursery.
Marg & I finished laundry and worked in the garden when we returned. Took a quick ATV loop to check the snare (empty) & made dinner.

July 2nd - Thurs - 100 Mile House
Sad entry today - our Dolly is no longer with us. We will miss her a lot but we are ready to enjoy the freedom of not having a pet.
Marg & I stuffed our pockets with tissue and carried on with gardening, working on the storage shed and getting haircuts. Terry went after a coyote but didn’t get close enough for a shot. Our niece Katrina, her daughter Robbie and her aunt Brita stopped by for a short visit on their way home from visiting relatives. They were planning on staying overnight but decided to get a couple more hours of driving in while Robbie was (hopefully) sleeping.

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