Thursday, August 13, 2009

Aug 11th to 13th - Long Beach

Aug 11th - Tues - Long Beach
Lazy morning and then we went to the Ocean Park Eagle’s Club to play bingo at noon with Billy & Lauri. We arrived early - just after 11 - to get a table. Terry won a game and it paid $125. It cost $25 for both of us to play until nearly 4 and Terry splurged $10 of his winnings on pull-tabs which returned a whopping $1.
After bingo we drove north on the peninsula to Oysterville and then looped back to explore Jack’s grocery/everything store in Ocean Park. Next into Long Beach with a stop at a “museum”/gift store.
The guys aired up the bicycle tires while Lauri & I each made dinner. After dinner we got together for a few games of Sequence which the women won in a tie breaker.

Aug 12th - Wed - Long Beach
It rained last night and was cool & cloudy this morning so we and Billy & Lauri decided to go to Astoria which is only about 15 miles away. We went to the Columbia River Maritime Museum which is very nice. After an introductory film, you can check out 6 sections including fishing, ship wrecks & the dangers of the “bar” and the Coast Guard. You can also explore a retired lightship which is a floating lighthouse.
We stopped at a liquor store and then went to Costco for a couple of items and lunch. It was such a small Costco that the snack counter was outside with no seating - but we had our hot dogs anyhow since we were all hungry.
On the way back we drove to Cape Disappointment and walked to the North Head lighthouse. Shortly after we got back we all went for a bike ride. There is a wonderful paved trail through the grass covered dunes between Hwy 101 and the beach. We rode about 9 ½ miles.
A short break and off again for the Eagle’s Club in Ocean Park - this time to listen to very good and very bad karaoke and to have a hamburger & fries that we had been told was a very good meal for $4 (not so good!).

Aug 13th - Thurs - Long Beach
Nice weather for bike riding today so that is what we did. This time we went farther north on Hwy 101 before heading to the trail in the dunes and then went farther south than yesterday. The trail winds through the little hills of the dunes and is a great ride. We went into town on the way back and then had to backtrack to a grocery store. We stopped for a beer & lunch at LBT (Long Beach Tavern) and ended up riding 15 miles.
Lauri & I both did a couple loads of laundry before I made dinner for all of us. After dinner we looked at some of our favorite jokes which I then copied onto a disk and set up on Lauri’s computer.

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