Sunday, August 02, 2009

July 30th to Aug 1st - Spokane

July 30th - Thurs - Spokane
We went to Terry’s Mom’s house this morning and arrived in time for breakfast - good timing! Don had something wrong with his back and could not stand upright to walk so I drove him to his doctor appointment at 10. The doctor diagnosed a sciatica problem and prescribed some pain pills which we got on the way home. Terry went to Blue Crick RV to talk about the brakes on the 5th wheel. They tested the brake controller and figure it is OK. We have an appointment on Wed morning so we will be here longer than we thought.
After we had lunch at EllaMae’s, we went shopping for a few items. We hit every store we could think of on this end of town looking for a metal letter tray to match one that we already have. We haven’t had ours for long but it appears that they are no longer available. We returned to S&K’s to drop off our purchases and make a salad for dinner. Back to EllaMae’s for a nice dinner made by Terry’s sister Cindy.

July 31st - Fri - Spokane
I finally found some ripe peaches yesterday so we enjoyed them for breakfast. Terry puttered around on the 5th wheel and I worked on the computer before we went back to EllaMae’s. Terry was going to mow the lawn there but Cindy had beat us to it and was almost done. We did some weeding and then took off on our continuing search for a letter tray. We finally found a couple that are not the same as the one we had but will work. Back to S&K’s to relax and have dinner.

Aug 1st - Sat - Spokane
We stopped in to see EllaMae but she & Cindy were out shopping so we came back to S&K’s where Terry cleaned the bugs off the 5th wheel and I entered expenses on the computer. In the early afternoon we went to the Coeur d’Alene Casino. I had a run of luck and was able to cover Terry’s losses, our dinner and bring back a few dollars. We often split a very good, very large country fried steak at the casino. They changed their menu to offer a smaller portion (suitable for one) at a lower price. It is an ample dinner with a large Caesar salad, rolls, meat, mashed potatoes, a small biscuit & gravy - all for $6.99. Eat your heart out Canadian readers!!
Very hot today. Spokane broke a record at the official airport weather station at 101.

1 comment:

Claude & Val Pauze/ Heathman said...

That's OK, we don't like country fried steaks anyway! hihihiiii!
weather is finally cooling off here going to Vancouver this week-end. Miss you guys; Claude, Val and Tucker