Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Jan 31st to Feb 3rd - Mesa

Jan 31st – Fri
I caught up on the blog this morning while Terry got his Candy Crush fix.  Moe stopped in to chat for a while.  The wind came up so Terry put up Dave & Phyllis’ awning and ours.  I cooked some veggies in preparation for a casserole on Sunday and finally made a late breakfast.
We went shopping for baby back ribs for a future party.  We thought we did OK at Albertson’s where “buy 1 get 3 free” worked out to $2/lb.  When we put the ribs in Larry & Julie’s freezer, Julie said ribs at Fry’s were $1.99/lb!
Darlene organized a birthday party for Grace so I made chicken pillows as my “heavy” appy.  They took longer to put together than I thought and I had to bake 2 pans so we arrived a little later than the 3:00 start time and found everyone already eating.  It was fairly cool and the park needed the folding chairs that we were using so we wrapped it up shortly after 5.
Trish suggested a game of pool so several went to play.  I dropped in to kibitz and was talked into joining Trish, Sue & Vi for a couple of games.  If I am going to do this again I better do some practicing!!!

Feb 1st – Sat
We had a lazy morning and finally ran some errands.  Our ice maker quit – again! – so we took it back to Camping World.  They no longer carry the small size but they were willing to give us full credit for the one we bought 4 ½ months ago and we paid the difference for the larger size.  We went to Garden Ridge for a few items, had a burger for lunch, dropped items off at the toy hauler and rearranged the closet for the larger ice maker.
When Terry was carrying in the ice maker, we heard a clunking sound as it was tilted.  We didn’t want to start out with something wrong so he took it back.  He forgot the basket & scoop so I phoned and he had to come back to pick them up.  Finally he returned with another ice maker and when he lifted it out of the truck it made a similar clunking sound!!  We decided it must be OK so Terry cut a piece of wood in half and got the ice maker situated.  The guy at Camping World said to plug it in but not start the ice making process for a couple of days so we won’t know how it works right away.
We went to Harry & Cathy’s for dinner before going to a dance.  Also there were Bob & Gail and Jerry & Becky.  We had a delicious lasagna dinner, moved inside to chat for a while and then all but Harry & Cathy went to the dance.  Cathy has an abscessed tooth but gamely carried through with the dinner plans.

Feb 2nd – Sun
Darlene organized a golf group for this morning and Terry & I played with Larry & Barb.  It was very cool to start and only slightly warm when we finished.  We stopped for a quick burger on the way back.
We went to a Super Bowl party at Brian & Bev’s.  It was organized by Brian & Ron – they are getting very good at football parties.  The TV, chairs & heaters were set up in B&B’s carport.  They added a huge tarp on the side & a bit across the front to hold in the heat.  People brought appies and then another group brought dinner dishes for half time.  There were tables & chairs set up at Larry & Suz’s (right across the street) for serving & eating dinner.
There were more people supporting the Seahawks but everyone would have liked a closer game.

Feb 3rd – Mon
We printed more personal cards this morning which I made harder than usual by first partially separating a few sheets of cards and then getting the bright idea of putting a picture of us on the motorcycle on the back of some cards.  We went to Dennis & Gloria’s where I helped Gloria with a project and the guys watched us.
We went to get new motorcycle helmets but forgot the store is closed on Monday.  Luckily it is not far away.  We continued on to WalMart for some groceries.  We also got some foam-core board to make a grid for playing a new card game – Cross Cribbage.
We had Dennis & Gloria over for dinner and to play Cross Cribbage which we were all learning.  The guys used their usual luck – OK, and a bit of skill! – to pull off a resounding win.

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