Saturday, March 22, 2014

Mar 19th to 21st - Mesa

Mar 19th – Wed
Terry played golf this morning and missed a great brunch hosted by Dave &Phyllis and Stella & Joe.  I got up just in time to join the chow line at 9:35.  I think we are all getting old because a start time of 9:30 seems to mean that we will be eating then!  Dave was frying eggs, Joe was cooking pancakes and everyone brought everything else “breakfast” that you could imagine.  There was even a huge container of fresh squeezed orange juice from Dolores.
I finally caught up my blog after Terry got back from golf & lunch.  I am still trying to get rid of a cold or whatever is hanging on so once again I told Terry to go to the courtyard and I would read & rest.
When Terry got back we rode the motorcycle to Neal & Judi’s for another farewell dinner.  Judi is an excellent cook and loves to decorate the tables.  One more time for good friends and good food.

Mar 20th – Thurs
We met a group of motorcycle riders at Chief’s this morning for a CalAm sponsored event.  We left at 8:30 (supposed to be 8:15!!) and rode to Canyon Vista RV in Gold Canyon.  There were lots of bikes already there so we registered and got coffee, fruit & pastry for breakfast.  There was as suggested loop ride before lunch but it was the Copper Triangle that we just rode last week so we joined Duane & Sue and rode to the Apache Gold Casino on the east side of Globe.  We gambled about an hour and then rode back to Canyon Vista for lunch.
We stopped for whipping cream on the way back so I could put dessert together for tonight.  Terry went to the courtyard while I did the dessert and then read & rested – yup, still have my cold.
We went to Ernie & Dianne’s for a chili dinner.  Dianne’s daughter Annette, her husband Mike and their daughter Kayah were there – along with about a dozen other friends - and it was nice to see them again.

Mar 21st - Fri
We got up at the crack of dawn to pick up Julie & Larry a 7:00 for an outing on Canyon Lake.  21 people rented 2 pontoon boats for the morning.  We picked up doughnuts for breakfast, loaded gear & people on the boat and left about 8:30 after Bob C. got driving & safety instructions.  Canyon Lake is a skinny, twisty lake so we puttered slowly along and enjoyed the scenery, food & drink.  We were all happy to have light jackets at first as the tall canyon walls put us in shade but it wasn’t too long before we all shed the jackets.  We were lucky enough to have eagle-eye Terry spot mountain sheep a couple of times way up on the top of the canyon.
We didn’t see the other boat until we were part way back and that resulted in a short water gun fight.
Once we docked & packed everything back to the vehicles, we drove a short ways further to Tortilla Flats for lunch.  We managed to get seats outside where we ordered burgers and listened to Mark Lucas (AZ Opry) and Jeff Stephens sing.  I was feeling OK when we got back but once again I stayed home while Terry went the courtyard for a while.  We had a quiet evening for a change.

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