Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nov 16th to 23rd - Mesa

Nov 16th – Mon
I am totally shocked at how far behind I am in the blog! I was thinking 5 or 6 days!
We went to Ft McDowell casino at 9 with Don & Susan. Rather than having breakfast at the casino, we “donated” some money and then introduced Don & Susan to Chen's Chinese Restaurant in Fountain Hills. They loved it as much as we do.
It was very cool with possible rain so MCY was moved into the ballroom. Tiana Ricciardi sings and teaches line dances if people want to learn. We did some dances that we already know and a couple that she taught. Unfortunately the notice that music moved inside went out rather late so there weren't a lot of people there.

Nov 17th – Tues
We have been doing a lot so we skipped line dancing at Towerpoint and had a nice, late breakfast at home for a change. I wanted a baking dish that would be similar in volume to a 9x13 pan but would rotate in the convection oven. We went looking and found one at a Corning store after checking a couple of other stores.
We went a bit early to MCY as North Star was playing and they are popular. Lots of line dancing and fun with friends. After dinner we went to line dance lessons with Bob & Bobbie. We missed the first evening of a 4 week session but picked up the dances OK.

Nov 18th – Wed
It was time for a visit to Total Wine today. We were also looking for folding patio chairs and found some at a Big 5. We were waiting for our favorite chairs to be back in stock at but decided to give up and get chairs that have a little side table and can be pulled up to a table for eating. Big 5 had some on sale and they were $5 less than the marked price when we checked out! We also each got a “chipper” golf club. I have thought about getting one and tried Lynne's when we golfed on Sunday.
We went to the courtyard early to get a table in the shade and then dance to Rich Mancini.

Nov 19th – Thurs
We golfed at Las Colinas with Joey & Lynne. There was another foursome from here in front of us and we all stopped for lunch at Uncle Bear's after golf. Terry plays Las Colinas fairly often and says it is his favorite course so I wanted to try it. I did enjoy the course and lunch was good.
Seemed like we barely had time to catch our breath and change clothes before we went with Ron & Terri to a dinner show with the Rhythm Cats. George Staerkel left the AZ Opry and started this new group. We left a little early as Ron & Brian wanted to look at a golf cart on the way but it wasn't there any more so we had lots of time to find the new location at the Gold Canyon Golf Resort. The new venue leaves a little to be desired but the show was excellent.

Nov 20th – Fri
Once again line dancing at 10 at Towerpoint bit the dust! This time I had a valid excuse – we had to get stuff ready for a park-wide patio sale tomorrow. Lots of stuff so it took a while to organize & price everything. We took a break for MCY with Wayne & Deb.

Nov 21st – Sat
We were up early to get everything put out on tables for the sale that started at 8 but we had some shoppers quite a bit earlier. Terri, Elsie and Bob & Gail had some items also so we put everything on the empty site between us & Ralph & Elsie. We sold a lot but Terry was out spending money as I was taking it in! Joyce came over to talk about buying a group housewarming gift for Brad & Clare and shortly after Terry heard about a nearly new patio heater for sale so he took off and got it. Used twice and the full propane tank was available also. So then Joyce had to run around with a card to sign and money to collect.
We wrapped up the sale just before noon and went to the courtyard for lunch before dancing from 1 to 3 with Jeff Stephens who is now one of the members of the Rhythm Cats. He played a little longer but we had to leave to attend Brad & Clare's open house at their park model which they purchased late last spring. Of course not everyone was ready to quit so we sat out with a group after that party.

Nov 22nd – Sun
The Saturday golf group played today due to activities yesterday. Cool in the morning but warmed up nicely. We all went to Fuddrucker's for lunch.
After a brief rest, we did some grocery shopping and got a propane tank filled. Raspberries & ice cream for dinner!

Nov 23rd – Mon
We were having Dennis & Gloria and Ernie & Dianne over for dinner & cards so we set up the garage with a large round table and 6 plastic patio chairs. It worked really well.
I didn't go to MCY as I was cooking and I'm not fond of Dan the Music Man. Everyone arrived just after 5 and we first sat outside to enjoy a drink before dinner. Ernie & Dianne sold their park model and will be leaving in a month which makes us very sad. They just couldn't justify the expense with the devalued Canadian dollar and they have a condo in Kelowna which is one of the least ugly areas in BC for the winter.
I made seafood lasagne for dinner and then we played Ponytail Canasta. We were nice to each other (!!) and the ladies won one game and the guys won one. Tons of fun and lots of laughs.

Nov 24th – Tues
It was Dennis' birthday today and Gloria asked us to golf with them and then go to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Gloria thought our tee time at Royal Palms was 10:30 but when we got there early we found it was at 10:40. Luckily the tee box was empty so we got to start early. Royal Palms is a short 9 hole course which Terry has not played. It is lovely & green with strategically placed ponds waiting to gobble golf balls. The weather was perfect and the golf was fun. Notice that I didn't say that the golf was perfect!!
Lunch was good and we all took our cheesecake home as we were full but Gloria insisted that if you go to the Cheesecake Factory you have to order dessert.
Terry went to MCY with Guilty Pleasures and I rested for a bit and then joined him. I chatted with Gary Kullman and then Bob rather than dancing – a nice change. We joined a group around a fire pit after the music. When we got back, Linda & Bill's motorcycles were parked in front of our place and they were over at Ralph & Elsie's so we made a drink and joined them. When Bill & Linda left, we left Ralph & Elsie to eat dinner and we went to Dennis & Gloria's as a group was supposed to be there having a birthday drink with Dennis. The group was next door at Duane & Sue's so of course we sat down for a bit. When Duane & Sue were ready for dinner we went back to Dennis & Gloria's. Whew!!!

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