Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Feb 6th to 8th - DHS

Feb 6th – Sun
We had a 10:20 tee time today but when we arrived early a single golfer was getting ready to tee off so we joined him (Thomas). He was a very nice guy from Germany and was a pleasure to golf with. The course was not super busy so we didn’t have to wait much at all.
Then it was laundry time. Most of the washers had just been started when we got there so we started 2 loads, got one more going in about 10 minutes and then had to wait for the final load to go in. Marg & I went next door to work on a puzzle in between actually dealing with the laundry.
We made devilled eggs and more bruschetta and headed to Russ & Judy’s for a Super Bowl party. Also there were Larry & Barb, Gene & Fern (friends of Russ & Judy who were at our place last night), Ron & Sharon, Gilbert & Grace and Bill & Carolyn (who have a granddaughter who is in the RCMP in 100 Mile House). We almost had too many snacks to enjoy the chili at halftime!

Feb 7th – Mon
We weren’t sure when Francis & Nicole would arrive today so after breakfast I took the opportunity to do a bit of housecleaning. They arrived just after 10 and we sat outside to catch up. After chicken Caesar salad and bruschetta for lunch, they left just after 2.
We had a tee time for 3:00 and were joined by a fellow named Jeffrey. Again, it was not crowded and we moved right along which was very nice. I got one of my best scores (40) so maybe I am figuring out at least some of my new clubs.
We checked Terry’s closet when we got back and found that he did not have a red, collared shirt to wear tomorrow so off we went to good ol’ WalMart. Of course, they did not have his size in a plain red shirt so he settled for one with a white stripe.
A drink, dinner, TV & reading finished up the day.

Feb 8th – Tues
Terry & I played in the Women’s Club Valentine Invitation golf game this morning. Members of the women’s club invite members of the men’s club – generally their husbands – to play golf. Three couples play together in an alternate shot format. You pick the first drive to use and then it is alternate shots after that. Each couple gets an average handicap based on the 2 handicaps and you play as a couple, not as a team. We did quite well and ended up tying for 5th. Terry also tied for 3rd in a putting contest held before you teed off.
There was lunch afterwards and Marg joined us for that. We had roast pork loin, potato casserole, green beans with toasted almonds, rolls, salad and dessert. They also provided spiked or not punch and you could buy wine & beer. The tables were all decorated and everyone was encouraged to wear red & white so it looked very nice when everyone sat down to eat. There was a bit of a damper on the festivities when the death of a longtime maintenance employee was announced but in the usual upbeat manner of this type (55+) of RV park , everyone took it as a sign to do what you can while you are able.
It was quite windy but not too cold while we golfed but quite a bit cooler when we finished lunch at 2:45. We sat around a bit trying to decide what to do and figured we would first go to Cliff & Pauline’s to discuss plans for tomorrow. They were just getting home from Costco and immediately offered us a drink so we accepted and stayed chatting until 5. Luckily we had some leftovers from yesterday as Terry wanted dinner. Marg & I just snacked – but included good things like veggies.

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