Tuesday, June 07, 2011

June 5th to 7th - 100 Mile

June 5th – Sun
This might be a day of rest for some people but not for us. After Marg left to go fishing with Quille (Terry emptied rain water out of the boat and put the motor back on), Terry & I added electrical tape to another section of fence. It didn’t take long as we could use the existing insulators and we ran out of tape halfway through. Then we got the gas weed-eater, added the metal blade and cleared the right of way between the road and Marg’s fence. I had some long handled limb trimmers and cut the willows & wild roses that were too close to the fence for Terry and the ones just behind the fence. We took a break for lunch and Terry’s back held out just long enough to finish the job. Dad had a request for 2 feeders that hang on a fence or barn stall so he was happy in the shop.
Chores, a couple loads of laundry and dinner finished the rest of my work day. Marg & Quille had a great day fishing and brought home 10 Kokanee & 4 trout.

June 6th – Mon – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD
We are still without the tractor and waiting for a call from Williams Lake saying that the parts are in and we can pick them up.
Terry & I went made a trip to town to pick up posts to replace rotten braces at the entrance gate and made stops at the liquor store, grocery store & service station. After lunch we replaced the braces and were just finishing when brother Bob drove in to have dinner with us for Dad’s birthday. Marg was cleaning her motor home so I helped with that and did some other quick cleaning in the house and some dinner prep.
Francis & Nichole, Al & Cecile, Quille & Gail and Toni & Micheal joined us for turkey dinner. We had a great time as usual with all these good friends. It was so nice during the day that Marg & I were wearing shorts but by the time we went to bed it was raining again.

June 7th – Tues
Breakfast was a little later as Bob had fallen back to sleep and was late getting up! He left for home (Pemberton) about 10 and we went out to get some work done before it started to rain. We had time to make calculations and place one form for footings for a side shed on the hay barn when the rain sent us inside. Terry worked on a jigsaw puzzle, Dad was in the shop and Marg & I planted baskets in the greenhouse.
We lingered over lunch and didn’t finish until nearly 2. By now a steady rain had settled in so Terry & I worked on the puzzle and Marg got things ready to load in the motor home before going for a physio appointment at 4:30.
With breakfast and then lunch being late, we didn’t eat dinner until 8 which makes the evening very short.

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