Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb 11th to 13th - Mesa

Feb 11th – Mon
Not much going on today so after Terry went across the street for doughnuts, we decided to start scanning the rest of our old photos.  About 12:30 we got a phone call from Dave & Margo who stay in the Yuma & Palm Springs areas for the winter.  They were at our community center.  They came to Mesa to pick up their son & his wife from the Mesa airport and had some time to visit with us – what a nice surprise!  Terry walked the short distance to guide them to our spot while I quickly put away our mess.
When they left at 2, we just didn’t feel like setting up again to scan more pictures so I just finished moving them to the right folders.  We went to McDonalds for a late lunch and picked up groceries at Fry’s.  We figured our bike seats might be wet from the light rain we had earlier so we walked to Larry & Julie’s with a bone for Bandit and the empty photo album for Julie.  They fixed us a drink and we visited with them a while.  We stopped at Larry & Suz’s and discovered that Larry is now sick so we didn’t stay.  Another quick stop at Ernie & Dianne’s to ask a question – and meet Ernie’s brother Bill – and then home.
I discovered that I named the photos differently from the others we have done so I got to redo all the names so they will sort correctly!  We had a very late, light dinner and watched TV.

Feb 12th – Tues
I put out the garbage can this morning and the top was covered with ice!  But the skies were clear and the sun was trying to warm things up.
We went to a Canadian Snowbird Association show at the Mesa Convention Center this morning.  There weren’t as many booths/vendors as I thought there would be but there was a full entertainment line-up that we didn’t stay to watch.  We did pick up information about Branson, MO as we are going there later this spring.
I got on the computer to look for more Branson info and Terry took the truck to the car wash.  Bev was sorting out everything in their 5th wheel as they can leave whatever they want in the park model that they just bought so people ended up gathering around & chatting.
I bought fillet mignon steaks yesterday and decided to BBQ them for lunch today rather than rushing to cook & eat before line dance lessons this evening.  Terry got them started on the BBQ and came back inside.  When he went out to check them, the end of the NEW BBQ was on fire. Actually, the hose was leaking and the flame was coming out of the hose under the plastic side table & handle.  Terry brought the steaks inside and I finished cooking them in a fry pan.  They were still wonderful.  Luckily we had not disposed of our old BBQ and Terry was able to replace the side table & handle with the old ones.  He actually replaced both handles as they were sturdier than the new ones.
Music in the Courtyard was moved into the ballroom since it was too cool outside once most of the tables were in the shade.  The band was North Star which is a park favorite so there were lots of dancers.  We went to Neil & Robin’s for a drink, then dropped off our bikes at home and went to line dance lessons.  We had a bowl of soup for dinner and crashed.

Feb 13th – Wed
I got up reasonably early and put ingredients for baked beans in the crock pot and then warmed up in bed before finally getting up.  Moe popped in for a quick visit this morning.  His nephew has been here and we haven’t seen them for a few days.  Terry went to get a new hose for the BBQ - $37 at Camping World or $18 at WalMart and I backed up pictures on the computer.  I would hate to spend hours scanning pictures and then lose them somehow.
I made a late breakfast and a bit later got a much needed haircut.  Terry helped Moe sort out some stuff in their MH in preparation for leaving on Friday.
At 4 we put our “stuff” and Ron & Terri’s “stuff” in the truck, drove to Dennis & Gloria’s, dropped everything off and the Terry took the truck home and walked back.  The streets are just too narrow to park many vehicles.  The “stuff” was food, booze & jackets.  The event at Dennis & Gloria’s was a before Valentine dinner/party and sort of Gloria’s birthday celebration as her birthday is on Valentine’s Day.  They got the Party Wagon to provide tables & chairs for 29 people for dinner.  Ernie, Dianne, Doug & Duane brought sound equipment and guitars for entertainment & dancing after dinner.  When they took a break, Bruce played & sang so we had non-stop fun – which is not unusual for this group!
The weather has remained cool but Dennis & Gloria pulled a tarp to block the back entrance to their carport and had 2 patio heaters which we had to turn down as it was too warm.  We got home at 10:30.

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