Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feb 21st to 23rd - Mesa

Feb 21st – Thurs
We pretty much goofed off this morning.  I wanted certain cookies that I use for a dessert so we went to Big Lots on Power but they didn’t have any.  We stopped at Bealls on the way back and then at Fry’s for a couple of items.  We got back just in time to put together a small plate of veggies and go to a block party.  The weather was lovely so it was nice to sit outside and meet neighbors.
At 3 we went to the courtyard to listen & dance to Reign-n-Country.  I don’t think we realized how many line dances we know well enough to join other dancers.  Unfortunately, we still need “leaders” and don’t know which dances to do to which songs.
We invited Dave & Margo for a repeat of last night’s dinner and they enjoyed it.

Feb 22nd – Fri
Dave & Margo picked us up at 10 to go to Peoria and buy table top propane heaters.  A company that sells & rents the heaters has new-but-returned heaters at a discount price - $50 – and they still have a one year warranty.  We followed the GPS and a shorter route going there and saw a lot of streets & sights that we have never been on before.  It was fun to do this instead of using the faster freeways.  We stopped for lunch before heading back.
Terry had to drill a hole in our folding round table in order to route the propane hose underneath the table.  Dave went to get a set of drill bits and they found that the largest was not big enough.  Luckily Terry checked his tool box and found a larger bit which did the trick.
We went to the courtyard to listen to music and dance.  The group is popular and good but more rock & roll than we prefer.
When the music ended at 5, we joined a group sitting around a propane “fire” that is in a large table in the middle of comfy couches by the pool.  I had put a pork roast in the crock pot so we invited Duane & Sue for dinner.  Duane had over-imbibed so he ate a small dinner and had to head home.  Sue stayed long enough to help with dishes and chat a bit.
We had some bad health news about our friend Mike so we went to see Ron & Terri to see if there was more information.  They were at Bob & Darlene’s and Darlene saw us walking next door so she had us join them. 

Feb 23rd – Sat
I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then got the laundry sorted out.  We actually got 4 washers right away.  Terry got water & propane while I went back to the rig and vacuumed – have to maintain that multi-tasking capability!
After a sandwich for lunch, we went visiting on our bikes.  Terry had to put air in a tire so I went to see Emery & Pat who were sitting in the sun.  We wanted to see their new 5th wheel when we met them but they were fixing the cushions on their couch so we got a tour today.  We stopped for a chat with Larry & Julie and I remembered Bandit’s treat this time.  By now we didn’t have much more time to visit so we headed home.
We changed into red shirts and went to the Canada Day dinner/dance here in the park.  Each year a different province organizes the event and this year it was B.C.  We got to attend since I am Canadian and we were lucky enough to have someone get our tickets on a table with a lot of friends.  The decorations were great, there were lots of donated door prizes and the band was North Star which is a favorite so the dance floor was busy.  We started at 4:30 and the band played an extra song after 10 so we were ready to hit the sack.

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