Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb 14th to 17th - Mesa

Feb 14th – Thurs
We couldn’t believe how many people were doing laundry this morning when we first drove over.  There wasn’t even a parking spot so we came back.  A while later we walked up with 2 jugs for water and found the laundry room still packed.  Then it was late enough that we said we had to bite the bullet and find machines and this time we found a parking spot and 3 washers all in different groups of machines.  We walked back & visited with neighbors before I went back to put everything in dryers.  Another walk back with items to hang to dry and then back to finish.  I love the bit of exercise that comes with doing laundry!
A large group gathered at Duane & Sue’s for a farewell happy hour for Moe & Trish.  The weather was perfect.  We and several others had to leave just before 5 to attend a Valentine’s dinner & dance here at the park.  As usual, the tables & ballroom were beautifully decorated.  There was a small dance area between the stage & front row of tables and when the serving tables were cleared, another area near us was available for dancing.  The band played from 6 to 9 and we all had a good time.  Of course we ended up at Ron & Terri’s along with Darlene & Bob and Brian & Bev for a nightcap.

Feb 15th – Fri
Moe & Trish left this morning for Palm Springs so we all had to gather for good-bye hugs.  Then we walked to Dave & Margo’s site but they didn’t answer when we knocked so we figured – correctly as we learned later – that they went back to bed after taking their son & his wife to the airport at 5.  We stopped at Larry & Suz’s to see if they were over their colds & flu and found they were on the road to recovery.
We chatted with Bob & Peggy by the pool and then went back to see Dave & Margo.  We went for a walk to show them the community center & signed up for a tour of Organ Stop Pizza next week and then went to the courtyard and had lunch.  Next we all got our bikes and we showed Dave & Margo around the rest of the park.  We planned to join Julie & Larry and their daughter Natalie to go to a dance so went our own ways for a light dinner.  Margo called to say they were tired and were passing on the dance so we called Larry & Suz and asked if we could ride with them.  As we were driving to Sun Life park, we called Julie and found they were having a problem with Julie’s oxygen line but were nearly on their way.  When we got to Sun Life, we found there was a movie playing rather than a dance.  We finally got Julie to answer her phone and they said they were turning around and we should join them at their place.  We stopped at our place so I could put on warmer clothes, got waylaid by Don & Deb & visitors across the street but went to Larry & Julie’s for a few drinks with them, Natalie and Neal & Judy.  Terry didn’t change into warmer clothes so he complained all the way home at 11:00.

Feb 16th – Sat
We joined “the group” to say good bye to Brian & Bev this morning.  They pulled out about 8:30 and again we stayed out chatting with some of the remaining friends.
We were going to take our truck and Dave & Margo’s car to Apache Junction and then go together for a “tour” before we went to the AZ Opry and they came back.  Just as we were going to leave Dave & Margo’s, Dianne called to say that she managed to get tickets for them to the AZ Opry so we all went in our truck.  We just pulled away when Julie called and asked if we had jumper cables as their car battery was dead.  We were just around the corner from them so we pulled up while Julie was still on the phone.  Terry & Dave pushed their car into the street and in a few minutes we were all on our way.
We first joined Larry, Julie & Natalie and others at Filly’s for lunch and a couple of dances.  The place was packed!  Then we and Dave & Margo went to Goldfield where we were in time for a “hokey” gunfight in the street.  We strolled the streets & some stores and then continued on to Tortilla Flats.  There were no parking spots so we drove another 6 miles and walked a trail to a viewpoint of the lovely mountains.  On the way back we got a parking spot in Tortilla Flats so Margo could get a few pictures and the guys got ice cream cones.
We had time to shop a bit at Bealls before going to the AZ Opry.  The rest of our group were already in line so we bought our tickets and joined them just before the doors opened for seating.
We saw the country show this time and it was wonderful.  We were all ready to call it a day when we got back about 10:30.

Feb 17th – Sun
I had to make a few phone calls this morning so I didn’t even have time to update the blog before we picked up Dave & Margo for a trip to the Mesa Marketplace.  Luckily I spoke with Gloria and she reminded me that there was a meeting for a bocce tournament so we only shopped 2 aisles of the marketplace, had lunch at Subway and came back to the park in time for me to change into shorts and get to the bocce courts.
After a review of tournament rules, Dennis, Gloria, Dave and I practiced our game which was a good thing as I haven’t played since before Terry hurt his hand 3 weeks ago.  Terry was watching TV with his eyes closed when I got back.  We needed a few items so we made a quick trip to WalMart and then went to Dennis & Gloria’s for happy hour.  Sue rode by on her bike and was persuaded to join us.
Dinner, TV, the blog and a nice long phone call from Bill in Spokane were enough activity for the rest of the evening.

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