We are at Terrible’s Casino and RV Park in Pahrump (do you see a pattern here?). It is a really nice place. There is a 7 acre lake/lagoon for the use of the RVers in the park. There are paddle boats and kayaks as well as catch and release free fishing. Our spot is right on the lake. The pictures with this entry were taken from our site. Unfortunately the weather is still unusually cold and the water hose freezes up each night. We went for a bike ride around the park yesterday afternoon and my hands were cold. But we are going golfing today. The reduced “twilight” rate starts at 11:30 which sounds odd until you realize that it does get dark before 5 pm. Our tee time today is noon so the pace will have to be good for us to finish before dark. We took advantage of the inexpensive buffet for lunch yesterday and spent some time (and money) in the casino. So Terry went back to the casino last night and won enough to pay for our golf. This is a P.A. park with 3 days at the reduced rate so we will decide tomorrow whether we will stay here longer at the regular rate or move on.
Hi Terry and Glenda. Great blog but no pictures with your last entry!?
We stayed in Pahrump last year and loved it. We especially loved the casino with their cheap dinner and breakfast.
We are moving to Apopka, Florida tomorrow and hope to see the shuttle launch next Thursday at Cape Kennedy
take care and keep up ht eblog...love reading your stories
Claude and Val
I think you should stay a few more days until Terry wins enough for a FULL tank of fuel! Thought you guys were giving up the stress. I think that since Terry is such a gambler he enjoys Wanda's "Crapshoot" through Nevada. Miss ya Bill
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