We are still in a holding pattern waiting for something to happen with my green card.
We played golf again at a wicked little 9 hole course. The holes were short with only 3 par 4s but it was challenging. Again, the course wound between houses. It had narrow, sloping fairways and quite a bit of water. We played with another couple who have wintered in Arizona for many years and had coffee with them later.
We will be moving to a different park tomorrow - still in Mesa. We hope there will be more non-permanent campers to give us a chance to meet more people. Residents here are friendly but you don’t say much more than “good morning” as you pass. The weather has been great but not always warm enough to sit outside. People in “park model” homes here have Arizona rooms which are sometimes totally closed in and mostly located behind parking areas so are not conducive to visiting as you walk by.
The picture is looking down our “street”. The large palm at the end is still in the park and we are not at the end of the street so this gives you an idea of the size of this place.
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